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Team World Vision

For the changemakers.
The ones who need to act.

Team World Vision is a collective of Canadians who want to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable.
Whether you run, walk, dance, stream, or anything in-between, welcome
 to the team!

Check out some of our ongoing and upcoming fundraising events below!


The Global 6K

Join hundreds of Canadians who walk/run 6km in solidarity for the women and children around the world who on average have to walk 6km every day to gather clean water for their family to drink. Every step you take is one they don't have to. 

Learn more


30 Hour Famine

For nearly 50 million people around the world, extreme hunger is a part of daily life. The 30 Hour Famine is about making a small sacrifice for a massive impact. For 30 hours, give up something in your life and fundraise to support life-saving emergency food programs.

Learn more


The Climate Change Challenge

Led by youth for youth. Join others across the country in a series of fun challenges to fight climate change! Help raise money to fund climate-smart agriculture and reforestation projects in Chad. Organize a litter clean-up in your community, eat more plant-based meals; whatever you do, know that you're doing your part to help those most affected by climate change. 

If you're interested in getting involved, send us an email! 

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