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30 Hour Famine - 2025

Join us on October 9, 2024

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How does it work?

The 30 Hour Famine is about committing to a small sacrifice, for a huge impact on child hunger.

Whether you decide to give up meals, television, your phone, or something else in your life for 30 Hours, you're joining hundreds of Canadians who are standing with children around the world to say,
“Let's END hunger.” 

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END Hunger

For nearly 258 million people around the world, extreme hunger is an inescapable part of daily life.
But it doesn't have to be.

In partnership with Youth Worker Community, World Vision Canada is launching the

Our goal is to have 100 churches participate in a 30 Hour Famine in 2025!

We believe we can END hunger and end the cycle of poverty. Join us as part of a global effort to take on and solve some of our world’s biggest challenges and ensure that children can live up to their God-given potential — and together change the lives of 300 million people by 2030.


To learn more about our END campaign, visit


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