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Chad Saharan Desert

Project Chad

Chad has one of the highest levels of hunger in the world. This is due to a history of political instability, regional conflict, and climate change. In recent years, Chad has experienced more severe and frequent droughts, wiping out crops and inducing desertification of the land. In addition, climate crises in the Sahel have been forcing mass migration, making Chad one of the largest refugee hosts in Central Africa further exacerbating food insecurity in the country. 

In an effort to strengthen climate resiliency and increase food security, World Vision is implementing an integrated nutrition program that will train people in natural resource management and sustainable agriculture practices. This way Chadians can have a reliable source of food while also ensuring that the land is taken care of.

The specific strategies that will be used to reach this goal include:

  • reforestation
  • tree-planting
  • agroforestry
  • Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

With $30, 000 of raised funds, it is estimated that approximately 3,000 fruit trees will be planted and 6 hectares of land, restored. Fruit trees have the dual impact of food production and environmental protection.  

One mature tree can absorb 48 lbs. of carbon in one year, so through the climate project in Chad, we can expect to remove over 144,000 lbs. in global carbon emissions in one year! 

World Vision has been working with communities for over forty years to restore environments that have been harmed, protect healthy environments, and systematically build good environments to make them progressively stronger and healthier.

Niger was the first country where Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) was used. Over a twenty-year period, 200 million trees came back to that landscape using FMNR practices. Since then, FMNR has been used in over twenty-six African countries and has restored 15 million hectares of farmland in West Africa alone.

The impacts of World Vision’s climate projects are manifold. As the land is replenished and resources become more available, there is less conflict. The economy grows and carbon emissions are reduced.